PHOTO GALLERY: Photo gallery from the concert of Professor Oliver Kern, George Stanetti and Marianne Giusel

August 9, 2024

As part of the international classical music seminar ARDEA 2024, the final concert of three outstanding professors — George Stanetti, Marijan Guzel and Oliver Kern took place. Their performance in the church of St. Francis of Assisi in Čapljina was a real treat for classical music lovers, bringing together composers of different eras and styles.

George Stanetti:

  • Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750):
    Fantasia in A minor, BWV 904
  • Johannes Brahms (1833-1897):
    Eight Piano Pieces, Op. 76 (selection)
    • Capriccio. A little agitated br. 1
    • Capriccio. Allegretto non troppo No. 2
    • Intermezzo. Grazioso No. 3
    • Intermezzo. Allegretto grazioso No. 4
  • Claude Debussy (1862-1918):
    Preludes, CD 125 (selection from the first book)
    • Interrupted Serenade No. 9
    • Sunken Cathedral No. 10

Marijan Guzel:

  • Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827):
    Sonata No. 14 in C minor, Op. 27, No. 2
    • AND. Sustained Adagio
    • II. Allegretto — Trio
    • III. Presto agitato

Oliver Kern:

  • Ferruccio Busoni (1866-1924):
    Preludes, op. 37 (selection)
    • Preludes and in the molu
    • Prelude in Des-Dur
    • Prelude in B minor
  • Maurice Ravel (1875-1937):
    The tomb of Couperin M. 68
    • Prelude
    • Minuet
    • Toccata

The concert was started by Professor Đorđe Stanetti with a performance by Bach “Fantasies in A minor, BWV 904", where his interpretation showed a deep understanding of Baroque form and expression. After Bach, Stanetti turned to Brahms “Eight Piano Pieces, Op. 76", from which he chose four items: two Capriccia and two Intermezza. His performance was imbued with feeling and subtle dynamics, especially in “Intermezzo. Grazioso No. 3". For the end of his part of the program, he performed Debussy's preludes, including the famous “Sunken Cathedral No. 10", which, through Stanetti's hands, received a magical and mystical sound.

Professor Marianne Guzel delighted the audience with her performance of Beethoven's “Sonatas No. 14 in C minor, Op. 27, No. 2". Better known as the “Moon Sonata,” this sonata takes listeners through three paragraphs from a meditative and melancholic first paragraph, through a lively and contrasting second, to a furious finale in the third paragraph. Güzel sovereignly ruled dynamics and emotions, reviving every note on the piano.

At the end of the evening, Professor Oliver Kern took the stage. His program began with the election of the Busoni “Prelude, Op. 37", where are “Prelude and at the pier”and “Prelude in B minor”especially came to the fore thanks to Kern's virtuosity and precision. The concert ended with Ravel's “The Tomb of Couperin M. 68", where is through Prelude, Minuetand Toccatushowed perfect technique and exquisite musicality, which left the audience breathless.

This concert demonstrated not only the virtuosity of these professors, but also their deep connection with music and the ability to convey that passion to the audience. Each of them brought their own unique style and approach, creating a concert that will be remembered for a long time.

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