Apply for seminars

Joining our community is quick and easy. All you need to do is fill out our online registration form and our team will take care of everything else. We will get back to you as soon as possible to confirm your application and provide all the information you need to get started.

2024 Ardea Applications

Note: The registration fee is 50€.Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina pay a reduced amount of 25€.

For payment instructions click on this link.

* I declare that I have read/read the ARDEA instructions on participation.
* I declare that I accept the conditions of participation in the ARDEA 2025 International Classical Music Seminar set out in the ARDEA Participation Instructions.
* I declare that by coming to the seminar, I consciously and independently assume responsibility for my health, instrument and other material things.
Your application has been received successfully.
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In cooperation with the hotel Hotel Storia we have provided all attendees with a 15% discount on food and accommodation during the Ardea seminar.
All Ardea regulations and instructions on participation in Ardea 2025 seminars can be found here link.