Marijan Đuzel

Marijan Đuzel

Marijan Đuzel is one of the leading Croatian pianists of the younger generation. He is currently employed at the Music Academy of the Juraj Dobrila University in Pula as an assistant in the piano department. He studied piano with Alenka Milano and Kosovka Čudina, and graduated in 2015 from the Academy of Music in Zagreb in the class of Đorđe Stanetti. He perfected his piano skills at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels in the class of Alexander the Magyar where he graduated with the highest honors.

He pays special attention to the opus of Ludwig van Beethoven, whose piano sonatas he includes in almost every concert. At the 14th Beethoven Piano Competition in Vienna in 2013, among 259 candidates he placed in the semifinals among the thirteen best competitors. He also had notable performances at the Beethoven competitions in Bonn in 2017, Viotti in Vercelli in 2017, Alessandro Casagrande in Terni in 2014 and others. For his achievements during his studies he received the Dean's Award and the Rector's Award from the University of Zagreb. As a young pianist he won a large number of first prizes at national and international competitions: Zlatko Grgošević in Zagreb, Young Virtuosos in Zagreb, Grand Prix of Lions Club Rijeka, EPTA in Osijek, Ferdo Livadić in Samobor and others. He won at 49. Tribums of young musicians Darko Lukić in Zagreb.

Hrvatska Recordsreleased Guzel's first solo album entitled Virtuoso collection: Marijan Đuzel (live), recorded live at a concert at the Croatian Music Institute in 2018, with a selection of compositions by L. Van Beethoven (sonata from Op. 106, “Hammerpiano “), R. Schumann, B. Bartok and Davorin Kempf.

He performed as a soloist with the Zagreb Philharmonic, Zagreb Soloists, Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra, HRT Symphony Orchestra, Koninklijke Muziekkapel van de Belgische Gidsen, Zadar Chamber Orchestra, Varaždin Chamber Orchestra, HNK Opera Orchestra from Split. He has collaborated with conductors such as Pierre-Andre Valade, Nil Venditti, Robert Lehrbaumer, Yves Segers, Koenraad Hofman and others. He also performed in chamber ensembles with violinist Evgenia Ephstein, trombonist Matt Güzel and other eminent musicians.

He regularly holds solo recitals in Croatia and abroad (Austria, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, USA, Thailand). He has also performed at renowned Croatian festivals and concert cycles, such as Dubrovnik Summer Games, Split Summer, Music Evenings in St. Donatu, Hvar Summer Events, Music Artists Zagreb, Festival Sv. Mark, Euphrasian Concerts, Piano Loop Festival and others. He was a Fellow of the Dr. Ing. Dino Skrapic, MBA. He is the artistic director and professor at the Ardea International Summer School in Čapljina.

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